This tutorial is will show how to add a custom music to a music disk using a spigot server, this was originally done for Minecraft 1.12.2 but should be able to translate to newer versions.
A full example of a working server is available on my Github at this repo.
Created By Edgar Silva in Upwork for Tom Schnitz.
Download Spigot
First you download the latest build version of Spigot in here: Get Bukkit
That will download a file called spigot-x-x-x.jar (x is the server version).
Setup a folder for the server and move the jar there and rename it to a simpler name like server.
Create a bat file
Now to run the server you need to create a run.bat file with the following content:
In this case we used server.jar, you will need to rename it to whatever you renamed the file before.
Now just run the file.
After you run the server it will close itself because you need to accept the EULA, to do that open the eula.txt file and change the eula=false to eula=true.
Now you can run the server again, it will setup the world and everything else.
Adding Plugins
At this point, you have a fully working vannila Minecraft Server so feel free to change the server.yml file and others as you wish.
But to add the juicy stuff you will want to download some plugins, for the custom music discs we will use one called Jukebox Extended feel free to check it out.
To setup the plugin you need to go onto its website and download it aswell as it's dependency ProtocolLib. After that move the plugins into the plugins folder and run the server.
Note: If you don't see a plugins folder run the server once so it gets created
Creating a Resource Pack
For the server to be able to have custom music it will need to have it's own resource pack but this has some disadvantages. To ensure everyone is using the resource pack the plugin will ask everyone that wasn't able to download it to reconnect to the server, you can disable and change the messages in the plugins configuration. Another "issue" is a when you connect and disconnect from the server you will get a very fast Mojang loading screen while it loads the pack. But for most that won't be a problem.
Folder Structure
If you ever opened a resource pack you can see this is basicly a bunch of folders and .json files with textures, sounds, language packs etc. The way resource packs work is every asset in you pack will override the default one, so if you don't override anything it will just be a default pack. You can learn more about them in this link. In this case we just want to add new music records. So you wil need to create the folders and files listed below:
As you can see there some files that need to be created, I will explain each one on the next sections.
Let's start by the pack.png file, this needs to be a 256x256 image of you pack.
Minecraft Default Pack
The pack.mcmeta is just a .json file with some basic information about the pack, so create the file with the following:
Creating a music file
Minecraft audio files can't be in just any file type they are .ogg files and need to be in mono so you it can lower its volume depeding from how fair you are and also play in the right ear depeding on what side your facing.
In order to convert the file I would use a program like audacity but easiest way is to use a online conversion tool like this one Online OGG converter. So open the link choose the file you want to convert, also on the "Change audio channels:" option choose mono.
Once you got your .ogg files drop them in the corrent folder shown above.
This is the most important file since it's the one that says where each music file is and what it's called. On this example I will use a portion of the song Brain Power and a "blank" example.
You can indent the file in any way you want but make sure u have the right json syntax, if you jsut want to copy make sure u have the exact same amount of () and . Keep in mind that you need remember the namespace you gave each sound, in this case "noma.brainpower" with noma beeing the artist and brainpower the song. The name property is the path to the .ogg file starting in the sounds folder.
Note: You can add as many musics you want just make sure to respect the json syntax.
Uploading the Resource Pack
In order for the resource pack to be loaded it needs to be in a .zip file. Assuming you have WinRar you can select the pack.png, pack.mcmeta and the assets folder and zip it.
Now you need to upload the zip file somewhere online where you can get a direct download link. I would for ease of use upload the zip to a Google Drive account share it then use this link to get a direct download link.
Once you do that you can go to your server.yml file and find the line with resource pack and replace with:
Note: This link is just an example
Configuring the Plugin
After you guys everything setup and the plugins on the right folder all that it's left to do is add the new sounds to the plugin, and maybe configure some settings.
To do that open the plugins folder then the JukeboxExtended in there you will see a file called config.yml, it will look something like this:
As you can see there are 2 demo discs already created, to add a new you you can just copy one of them bellow and change some values. The first property is the name of the disc, the namespace is the important part here, remember that namespace you created in the sounds.json, well you will need to use it now. Then you have some simple properties like the author, model-data, creeper-drop and lore that is basicly a description of an item in Minecraft. The only weird one here is the model-data that is basicly a property to change the icon of the disc if you do wish to change the icon read this (by default its the broken disc).
So following the example above you would have to do something like this:
Note: This a yaml file so make sure you follow the right syntax
Using the Plugin
At this point the plugin should be working the only thing left is to try it out. Run the server and join in.
Now you can run commands using /jukeboxextended as long you are an operator (/op). If you want to play music wherever you go you can run the command /jukeboxextended:playmusic Username noma.brainpower, username beeing the persons name and nom.brainpower the music. Same can be done to give discs and alot more.
Enjoy π΅πΆπ΅